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Lecture 19: Karamba Basics


This lecture goes over several basic examples of the plug-in Karamba.  Karamba is a structural tool which allows users to simulate and analyze different load, material, and cross sectional relationships.  Using optimization algorithms like Galapagos provides users an opportunity to generate idea structural conditions based on prescribed parameters.  The script below covers basics from a single loaded beam condition to a uniformal dead load analysis on the Pavilion Mesh created in Lecture 17.   


Lecture 19 Grasshopper Script: Karamba Basics




Lecture 18: Cinema 4D Pavilion Rendering


The images to left are student rendering trials using geometry from the previous lecture.  To ensure the quality of student projects and their representation, Lecture 18 went over the basic workflow using Cinema 4D as a still image based rendering tool.  This software is capable of many other functions, but its diverse application will not be covered in this course.  


Lecture 18 Sketchup Model




Lecture 17: Kangaroo Pavilion Structure


This lecture introduced the class to the Kangaroo plug-in for Grasshopper.  This physics engine is a diverse tool that it used to simulate forces natural and artificial.  In this instance it is used to inflate a mesh in the positive Z axis away from anchor points at its center and corners.  Once this geometry has been optimized it is used to build an apertures which opening size is based on its positive Z elevation.  This script also uses the plug-in Weaverbird for integral components in Kangaroo and mesh development.  


The images to the left depict a 3D printed model of the script.  The model's raft and supports have not been removed because it was used for instruction on 3D printing techniques with the Makerbot Desktop.


Lecture 17 Grasshopper Script: Kangaroo Pavilion

Lecture 16: DIVA and Galapagos


Building on Lecture 15, this lecture integrates the fitness component Galapagos to solve for ideal solutions.  This tool can be used for a number of different outputs as it is an evolutionary solving engine that takes any number slider or sliders(genomes) to solve for a given value(fitness).  In this case the class is solving for a maximum solar irradiation figure.  Our script has one variable which is one number slider representing the width of an external louver.  The Galapagos solver is used to determined the ideal width of the louver for maximum solar irradiation.  See mathematical equation for further explanation.


y(louver width) x (fixed louver elevation)=max solar irradiance


Lecture 16 Grasshopper Script: Diva and Galapagos

Lecture 15: Introduction to DIVA


The ARCH 436 class was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be taught by Class Advisor Dan Siroky on the basics of DIVA.  DIVA, an environmental analysis plug-in for Grasshopper, is extremely useful for quick and efficient graphical representation of data such as daylight factor, solar irradiance, and illuminance.  This example models a single space along a south facing facade.    


Lecture 15 Grasshopper Script: Introduction to DIVA 

Lecture 13: Reverse Engineering


This lecture's focus was on the reverse engineering process and way of thinking that is required to be successfull using Grasshopper.  When entry level Grasshopper users first started with the program, it is easy to get caught up in the complexity of the plug-in and its potential outputs.  This class is limited to thirty lectures which equates to very limited exposer for those with no experience using this program.


Credit Images: System Design Studio


Cell Cloud Project Link 

Lecture 13: Example Thought Process

  1. What is the overall composition of the precedent object.  Is this a container, surface, or something else entirely? Container, Cube

  2. Is this cube broken into sections or cells? Yes

  3. Are these cells derived from a pattern or are they random? Polygonal as it isn't strictly Irregular Hexagon. Also known as Voronoi Cells.

  4. This grid extrudes to become cells, where do the cells extrude to? Partial extrusion to center of Cube.

  5. Are all the cells along the cube present or are some removed? Some are Removed

  6. Are they removed in a pattern or randomly? Random removal grouping, mostly concentrated along Cube edges.

  7. The cells are split between the colors of blue and white.  How are these split?  Is there a pattern, is it random?  The cells are separated typically along edges, but not every edge cell.  This would typically be done manually as parametrically sorting through the data list would be much more difficult.  

  8. ETC.


These are the types of questions that I would go through if I were looking to replicate this installation.  Understanding how to break down complex objects and how to apply terminology is essential when trying to script in Grasshopper on one's own.  If students are able to understand this process they will be successful in creating their personal projects.    

Lecture 12: Waffle Structure Brep Container


Using the basic principles of Lecture 11,  Lecture 12 transforms our previous surface waffle script into a container waffle script.  This script can now take any brep container and develope a waffle structure.  The Lecture 12 script can be downloaded below.  Also an animation showing the assembly of the model can be downloaded from the link below.


Lecture 12 Grasshopper Script: Waffle Structure - Container


Waffle Structure Animation

Lecture 11: Waffle Structure Surface Brep


This script goes over how to develope a waffle structure from a single surface.  


Lecture 11 Grasshopper Script: Waffle Structure - Surface 

Lecture 10: Curve Attractor and Gradient Preview


Lecture 10 goes over grid extrusions based off of a curve attractor.  The script also goes over image based attraction and color previewing.


Lecture 10 Grasshopper Script: Extrusion Curve Attractor and Image Attractor Previews

Lecture 9: Twisted Fins


This script is based off of a proposed project at RDG Planning & Design.  The rendered image completed by Hoang Tran and Dan Eddie served as a precedent for the lecture.  The twisted fin script was used to complete the twisted fin facade on the proposal.  In a proposal for a rebranding effort, the facade graphically displays the audio waves created by speaking the name of the potential client.  The potential client is a leader in the communications industry.  


Lecture 9 Grasshopper Script: Twisted Fins





Lecture 8: Sketchup Photomatch


The purpose of this lecture was for students to develope proposals for their personal projects.  During Phase 3 of the course, students will be tasked with taking their experience from Phase 1 and 2 and apply it to a project of their choosing.  


Prior to Lecture 8, students were asked to recreate the process of Lecture 6 on their own.  Here are their Sketchup Photomatched images based off of their own facades. 








Lecture 6: Curve Attractor Point and Facade Apertures


This lecture is a continuation of the previous lecture's focus on attractor points.  This lecture script uses an attractor curve to determine the scale factor applied to aperture openings.  The class then looked at how Grasshopper geometry can be represented using external programs such as Sketchup and Cinema 4D.




Lecture 6 Grasshopper Script





Lecture 7: Subdivision Brep Strips


This lecture went over several scripts involving subdividing of surfaces. 


The first script was inspired by the work of Alessandro Innocenti which can be found here:


The second script was inspired by the work of Can Buyukberber which can be found here:


Lecture 7 Grasshopper Script: Surface Strips


Lecture 7 Grasshopper Script: Surface Spheres






Lecture 5: Attractor Point Grids


This lecture goes over multiple ways to create different attractor or repulsory based Grasshopper scripts.  The lecture focus was centered around constrain based domains and how this translates to panel apertures.   


Lecture 5 Grasshopper Script



Lecture 4: Grasshopper Basics and Box Morph


This lecture is the continuation of Lecture 3.  It goes over more Grasshopper basics and surface development with grids and panelling.


Lecture 4 Script Description


Lecture 4 Grasshopper Script



Lecture 3: Grasshopper Basics


This lecture introduces the basic concepts and principles of Grasshopper and Rhinoceros 3D.  This was the students first time going through the programs interface and methodology.  The lecture's Grasshopper script goes over points, curves, and surfaces.  




Lecture 3 Script Description


Lecture 3 Grasshopper Script



Lecture 2:


Students were asked to introduce themselves to the class and present their particular interests in parametric design and what they would like to learn this semester.  The slideshow is a selection of other's work from their presentations.  Full student presentations can be found below.


Boyun Chang

Noel Gonzalez

Zaneta Jones

Nadia Kasno

Shuaibu Kenchi

Han Kwon

Suk Lee

Yifan Luo

Sung Woo Park

Adam Winkelmann

Zhaoyu Zhu




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