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Project Proposal Iterations

Noel Gonzalez Project Proposal Version 1






Final Phase Materials

Noel Gonzalez Final Presentation





Embrace: the façade form is going to look like its holding the building securely; working as a structure and aesthetically embracing the building.

Ripple: the façade form is undulated and looks like it has effects spreading through a continuous surface.

Translucent: the façade form will allow light to go through casting shadows of the form in the building.

Systematic: the façade form works as a fix pattern design creating the structure of it.

Cloak: the façade form will have an outdoor feel or hanging loosely but remain structurally formed.


For my project I wanted to create a simple yet attractive facade that would complement a Structure. I designed this facade using Rhino as my main modeler. My objective for this facade included the illusion of embrace, ripple, and cloak with translucent and systematic functions. The facade provides the illusion of embrace, regarding its surrounding building, in a secured way. Similarly, the facade resembles a cloak, hanging loosely yet intentionally in the space. I designed a mid-ripple which connects with the rest of the systematic pieces. This ripple does not only accentuate the piece but it plays around with how the pattern works. The piece is also made out of glass pieces which also allows the play of light and shadows go through the piece. I also designed a series of designs using the same structure to create variety as well as a series so that it could be interchanged and accommodated to the building’s design.




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