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Project Proposal Iterations

Nadia Kasno Project Proposal Version 1






Final Phase Materials

Nadia Kasno Final Presentation





Technology is like number one need in this time since technology plays an important role in making life become better. As a designer, I think we need to take benefit from technology by becoming an expert in digital media tool. That is one of the reason I took Arch 436 class to be an expert in one of the digital tool, Grasshopper. I am really interested in Grasshopper because I would like to learn more about digital tool to help me to show my design. In addition, I also interested in rendering tool so people could imagine my design clearly.



To describe my project this semester, I will say my project is about focal point, curvilinear, geometric, pattern, uniform, luminous and eco friendly. This project is a development from my second year project that I never show with a digital model or rendering before.



I have interest in parametric and algorithmic form for both structure and façade. I had a parametric form in my design in my earlier project on my second year of architecture school, which is an urban archive building in Seattle. That project actually inspired from a building in Frankfurt I visited in 2011 called My Zeil. My Zeil uses its form to bring light into most part of the building interior and reuse the rainwater.



With that in mind, in my design, the building will have a hang in structural glass sculpture with curvilinear shape in the edge side of the building soaring from the first floor to the roof. The glass structural sculpture represent the focal point of the building that also has function to catch natural light and collecting rainwater for reuse.


To be clearer, in my original design, the form is a swirl made of small triangular glass pieces with glass structure. In addition for this project, I am not only made it in a triangular small pieces but also experimenting it with other geometry, patterns, sizes, and materials. I used three different triangular patterns and quad geometry. By changing the size and material I can  see a different design. Last but not least, I render the project in Cinema 4D, which I never use before. I want to show what it looks like if it were real.



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