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Learning of digital design tools:

Focus will be primarily on constraint based systems and the basis of scripting in this system

Deliverable: Series of small assignments (10 Points)


Learning of digital design theory:

Learn how to determine the seminal issues of design outputs to determine their inputs.  Students will learn how to analyze the answer in order to create the problem.

Deliverable: Research and documentation of parametric systems and development of the reverse engineering process through diagramming and parametric modeling (20 Points)



Continued development of design tools and introduction of analysis:

Focus will be on development of students understanding of constraint based parametrics and utilization of propagation based systems for analysis and form finding

Deliverable: Series of small assignments (10 Points)


Learning of how tools and theory translates across platforms and dimensionality:

Focus will be on development and representation of outputs through plug-ins, software, and fabrication

Deliverable: Parametric Modelling, Physical Modelling, Analysis, Visualization, Etc. (20 Points)


Further development of skill with design tools:

Improvement of skill aided by independent research and development

Deliverable: Series of small assignments (10 Points)


Representation of learning objectives:

Students will be tasked to use the skills they have developed through Phase 1 and 2 to develope a final project of their choosing.  

Deliverable: TBD (20 Points)

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