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Class Schedule


Class Grade Breakdown


Class Syllabus


Miscelaneous Scripts


  • TBD







  • From Control to Design: Parametric / Algorithmic Architecture by Tomoko Sakamoto

  • Algorithmic Architecture by Kostas Terzidis

  • Computational Design Thinking (Wiley Reader) by Achim Menges and Sean Ahlquist

  • Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture by Casey Reas

  • Digital Workflows in Architecture: Designing Design, Designing Assembly, Designing Industry by Scott Marble


Practice Scripts:



Triangle Panels: Attractor Point Script


  • Surface

  • Triangle Panelling 10 X 10

  • Remap Scale Based on Distance

  • Graft and Loft

Box Morph Panelling Script


  • Panel Surface

  • 10 X 10 Grid



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